Welcome to Fitchburg State University!

    Placement Testing
    » For incoming Freshmen: Testing must be completed prior to Summer Orientation. If you are required to take a Math or Writing Placement Test, you will be notified directly by the Admissions Office.
    » Please note that not completing your placement test as soon as possible will delay your course registration, resulting in reduced course selection. If you do not test before Summer Orientation, you will do your testing at Summer Orientation and miss out on other planned activities.
    » The placement test tells us which math and/or English class will best meet your needs. Although you should aim to be comfortable and well-rested while taking this assessment, your placement is very unlikely to be changed by last minute prepping. Even if you could cram to get a different placement, the only "benefit" would be registration in a math class for which you are unprepared!
    » For specific questions regarding distance testing, testing for students with disabilities or general placement testing questions, please feel free to reach out to the Placement Testing office via email or by calling 978-665-4469.
    » If you are required to take the math AND writing placement test you only need to register for one testing date.  You would take both tests during the same testing time period.

    **If you sign up for a test and don't show up, you will not be able to reschedule yourself and will need to be manually rescheduled at a later date, to give fair priority to students who have not yet signed up.**


    Below are some practice test resources, these resources will give you a sense of how the test is structured and hopefully alleviate any worries you might have about the test.


    Online practice resources for (math) Accuplacer


    1. Click on “Practice for Accuplacer”
    2. Click on “Start Practicing”
    3. “Sign up” for an account (only requires name, email and password)

    Other practice resources specific to math accuplacer:




    For targeted concept practice:  https://www.khanacademy.org/  


    Online practice resources for (writing) Accuplacer


    1. Scroll down 
    2. Download "Writing Sample Questions"

    Other practice resources specific to writing accuplacer:


    Select a date below to register: